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Monday, May 17, 2010

A whole week without a post.... whoops.

I'll be honest with you, dear blog readers, I typically write and schedule all of my posts for the week on the weekend prior.  Occasionally, I will write something mid-week, but things get pretty busy around here.  I'm lucky if I get a chance to read blogs, let alone write for my own. 
So, as I mentioned, I flew home for mother's day and spent an amazing weekend playing quite a few rounds of this:

learning even more about how fabulous he is:

getting talked into camping out (on my mother's porch) with these two (we made it until about 4am):
and just generally enjoying the hell out of my family.
And I dare you to tell me this isn't the cutest rendition you've ever heard:

But alas, I didn't get to any blogging, which explains my absence last week.  Hope you didn't miss me too much ;)

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