Can you believe it's taken me this long to see Breakfast at Tiffany's? I'm embarrassed to admit it, but it's true.
Mr. DD is away for a week on a well-deserved, fancy-pants ski trip in Telluride. That means I'm home alone and left to my own devices. My days have been full of working and studying, but my nights have been completely my own. My husband is away quite a bit, so I've learned to take advantage of the times when I'm flying solo. I drink white wine over ice, eat Lean Cuisine's on the sofa, leave dishes in the sink, watch sappy movies in bed, hog the covers, and catch up on my self-tanning. All the things Mr. DD hasn't got much patience for...
I've gotten very good at arranging our Netflix queue according to his trips. This trip it was time for Breakfast at Tiffany's. Truthfully, I found the storyline kind of trite and predictable and the male actor (I don't even know his name), bored me to tears... but Audrey... I fell completely in love with all 90 pounds of her. The hair, the costumes, the props. Love, love, love.
Long before Sarah Palin got her mitts on this look, Audrey perfected it.
I hate a cigarette, but her props were undeniably fabulous.
I find it hard to believe that she ever ate a donut in her life.
I always thought I was too old for pigtails, but if Audrey can do it...